About LawN and Border

About LawN and Border

About LawN and Border

Lawn & Border

About Nick Barban

About LawN and Border – LawN & Border was originally formed in 2002. The founder, Nick Barban, has previously worked in a diverse array of industries, including:

  • The building trade as a Quantity Surveyor with R Mansell Ltd
  • Co-Partner at an Independant Financial Advisers, Roy Bennett & Co.
  • Broker Consultant with Clerical Medical and other companies
About LawN and Border

Nick Barban – Owner

After so many years of cut-backs and job losses, Nick decided that starting his own business, would be a better way to serve the community. In January of 2002, the idea of a gardening company was born, the first leaflets were printed and he and the company have gone from strength to strength.

Although Nick had no previous expertise in Gardening, Maintenance, Landscaping or Estate Management, he took the RHS Level 2 course at NESCOT college which he passed and of course has been learning ever since, although, not on courses but generally from reading, the internet and others with skill sets of use.

About LawN and Border

There is nothing about LawN and Border that is groundbreaking or ‘New Age’. We offer a value for money, high quality service. The company was rebranded in 2009 to its current form when all the social links such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were created. At the same time, he started a YouTube channel to share his expertise. At the time of writing this, The channel has nearly 400 Subscribers and has surpassed 300,000 views (March 2016). New videos are being added each week. It is now bringing in new business as well and providing additional income to the company.

Most of the time, Nick works on his own, with a part-time crew of helpers for one-off landscaping jobs and labour cover for holidays. This year though, 2016, he is now looking for an apprentice to come on board full-time and help grow the business further through this year and into the future.

As time has moved on, LawN & Border has taken on more Commercial customers as we could offer the commercial sector something that few other companies could.

Grounds Maintenance

Commercial Communal Cleaning

– On Site Estate/Property Manager

Based on a high level of service and great value for money, our commercial customers now accounts for more than 70% of our customer base. This ratio continues to increase, demonstrating our desire to further our services in this area. To find out more about LawN and Border and the services we offer either look through the rest of our website or contact us by

emailnick@nickbarban.co.uk or

telephone 0800-093-0194.

We also offer services to private individuals for garden maintenance or hard/soft landscaping services. Follow the link HERE for further details.

We look forward to working with you in the future.


LawN & Border


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